What’s All This?


I no longer wanted to use social media as my primary method of sharing my work in the world of miniatures. So I made this site!

I will also occasionally write blog posts sharing thoughts, experiences, and project details related to the miniatures hobby (and possibly things beyond/outside of it).

The site is a work in progress and there are still some fundamental things I will be working to change, so pardon the dust and occasional unexpected/unpleasant site behavior!

Filters, Filters, Filters!

My blog posts are mixed in with all the miniatures photos on the “My Stuff” page. You can use the filters to refine the items in the grid to just blog posts, miniatures, or both. And beyond…

I love learning about the history of the miniatures I paint. I enjoy knowing who sculpted the figure, when it was molded and cast, what company sold it, etc. To that end, I’ve created some filters at the top of the Miniatures page.

Multiple filters can be enabled simultaneously to further narrow the results.

SETTINGFantasy, Sci-fi, Historical, etc.
MANUFACTURERNo explanation needed (for more information on the vast array of miniature manufacturers, I cannot recommend the Lost Minis Wiki highly enough!).
SCALEModel scale, in millimeters (generally the value represents the height of an average human, as measured from the bottom of the feet up to the eyes).
ARMYGeeks will understand this already, but in the massive world of miniature gaming, there are many imaginary worlds, and in these worlds are various types of beings and creatures – most games group them into different races, factions, armies, etc. So I’ve used some of those categories here.
SCULPTORSelf-explanatory! The person that sculpted the original figure.
DECADEThe decade during which the miniature was first made available. The exact year a miniature was released can be found in its individual post.

A final note:

This website is a work in progress, and I will be improving it and adding content to it over time. If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, please feel free to reach out to me at my e-mail address. I hope you enjoy my personal curated slice of the internet.