Manufacturer: Grenadier
Year: 1993
Range/set: Lost Lands/3003 Skeleton Guardians
Model number: 3003 (e)
Sculptor: Sandra Garrity
I had been hunting for an appropriate skeleton to act as a standard bearer for an undead mercenary contingent, so when I saw this fellow with his very bent spear, I knew it would be a perfect conversion opportunity. I snipped off the spear tip, pinned a plastic banner pole, and made some banners. The banners were illustrated with ink and watercolor at 200% scale, then scanned and printed at half the size.

The skull design is lifted from Druillet’s ‘Lone Sloane’ artwork. The other runes are straight out of ‘Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned.’ The story they tell is basically “Human, slain, Chaos Power, resurrected.” I’ve also included the text from the insert that accompanied the original set of Skeleton Guardian miniatures – apologies for the low quality.