Manufacturer: Ral Partha
Year: 1985
Range/set: Children of the Night
Model number: 13-044
Sculptor: Dennis Mize
I obtained this miniature from Mindtaker Miniatures! The miniature was originally supplied with a weapon sprue that contained a shield and two hand weapons, but lacking those pieces, I improvised with a very scary-looking spare plastic hammer bit from the Games Workshop “Iron Golems” Warcry kit, and a cool metal shield purchased individually from Ral Partha Europe.

A photograph my friend sent from BOYL (happening this weekend, wish I could attend!) of Bryan Ansell’s Chaos Army, to my surprise, included this figure! Funny, as I have been planning to include mine in a unit of Beastmen for a Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd edition Chaos army, as well. He’s on a 25mm x 50mm base and will simply count as two Beastmen.