Armoured Dwarf (Converted)

Manufacturer: Shortwars/Ye Alchemist Miniatures/Hybrid Miniatures
Year: 2018
Range/set: Armoured Dwarves
Model number: N/A
Sculptor: Bob Olley

I recently had the pleasure of making a small order from Hybrid Miniatures (Jason Lye), and we got to talking about our shared loved for the work of Bob Olley. Turns out Jason has commissioned Bob a number of times, and one thing led to another and I ended up ordering more from him than I set out to purchase.

I chopped off this fellow’s left arm and set to work cramming a plastic Genestealer Hybrid dual-arm in its place. I gave him a little Genestealer tail, too, which is sadly not visible in this photo. It all felt too right, since Olley sculpted the vast majority of the Citadel Genestealers range – one of my favorite ranges ever -, so this stout warrior will be joining their ranks and looking right at home beside his alien mutant brethren. Cheers!

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