Manufacturer: Heartbreaker Hobbies & Games/Prince August
Year: 1995
Range/set: Warzone (1st Edition)
Model number: 9701
Sculptor: Unknown
Transporter malfunctions: a sci-fi trope that never gets old. In Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, if a squad teleports and is not equipped with a teleport homer, terrible accidents can occur. The worst result? “Multiple creatures are combined into a single, living organism with multiple limbs, heads, and other organs but only a single (faintly disturbed) personality.” Not long after reading this, I stumbled across the Dark Legion Demnogonis Cairath on Prince August’s website and ordered it immediately with the intent of hopefully using it to represent “a [post-teleporter-accident] bag of heaving protoplasm” in a game. I replaced the original “head-on-a-stalk” with a plastic head from the first plastic Space Marine kit. I didn’t use the weird sucker-y trunk on top in favor of jamming a beakie helmet on instead. Two arms are supplied with the original model – one fleshy one with a large talon (seen here) and a vaguely robotic/mechanical one that I omitted.

Ridiculously hard to photograph, so I apologize for the odd angles and out-of-focus bits. I’m not sure who sculpted this, but it was either Mark Copplestone, Phil Lewis, or Kev Adams. All three of them (plus Tim Prow!) sculpted for the Warzone range. An awful lot of leaden gold hidden in them Irish hills. Get it while you can – rumor has it that the molds were destroyed long ago and P.A.’s stock is the last of it (but this may not be true at all). I know Impact! Miniatures recently acquired the rights to the Mutant Chronicles range of figures and is casting those in resin, which is awesome. But the Warzone figs? Who knows.