Dick Garrison

Manufacturer: Wargames Supply Dump (W.S.D. Miniatures)
Year: 2004
Range/set: Dick Garrison
Model Number: DG01
Sculptor: Bob Olley

About the paint: I prepared this figure for use in the Paranoia Roleplaying Game. The color of this guy’s clothes indicates that he’s a Troubleshooter with red-level security clearance, and the yellow stripes signify that he is a registered mutant. He’s a bit pallid, and I may go back and darken the face, but he’s good enough for play!

About the figure: This is the titular figure from the Dick Garrison range, which is clearly inspired by Flash Gordon and other 1930s-50s pulp sci-fi. Like the rest of the figures in the range, it was cast with an integrated metal base, which I carefully clipped away in order to mount the figure on a hex base. The figure is a bit tall; the range was advertised as “28mm heroic scale.” He’s just on the edge of “too big” for games of Rogue Trader in my opinion, but still works as a “very tall man.” He’s on-par with the Genestealer Hybrids that Olley sculpted for Warhammer 40,000, if they weren’t all hunching.

About the manufacturer: Wargames Supply Dump was started by Roger Webb and operated from 2004-2017. Sadly, none of the company’s ranges or molds were sold or passed on to other companies. When I learned of the Dick Garrison range from Tony Mansfield (some of you may recognize the name – Tony maintained a Bob Olley wiki for many years), I immediately set to work tracking it down. In March 2023, I scoured the web and found a promising e-mail address, to which I sent a polite inquiry. I was elated to receive a response, and I was able to secure seven Bob Olley miniatures from the range. Phew!

That was a lot of information – I wanted to write about Wessex Games and the rules that were published for the range but ran out of room. I hope you enjoy the figure. I also hope you like all the background information. I love digging deep into the provenance of miniatures and the histories of the companies that made them. Let me know if you enjoy reading that stuff.

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