Dwarf War Engine Gunner

Manufacturer: Citadel Miniatures
Year: 1982
Range/set: Fantasy Tribe Dwarfs/Dwarf War Engine
Model number: FTD16
Sculptor: Michael Perry

Yet another figure I’ve painted for Evan’s Realm of Chaos warband. I finally slathered it in oil paint, removed most of it and added acrylic highlights. This dwarf is the warband leader, a dwarf champion of Nurgle. This figure was one of three dwarfs included with a classic Dwarf War Engine from 1982. I acquired this figure on its own. The “bottle” in his left hand is almost certainly a black powder flask, and his “wand” is surely a linstock, a tool used to light a fuse. I carefully cut and filed off the “flame” sculpted at the end of the linstock and painted it brown to look like a wand. I wanted the powder flask to look more like a glass potion bottle. In retrospect, it may have been more interesting if I had painted its contents to be pink or blue rather than green (the overwhelming color of the figure in general)… Such is Nurgle, though!

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