Manufacturer: Citadel Miniatures
Year: 1980
Range/set: Fantasy Specials
Model number: FS29 (Version 1)
Sculptor: Humphrey Leadbitter
This fine animal, although likely appearing in a White Dwarf at some point, also appeared in the 1980 Citadel Red Catalogue (its silhouette even featured on the cover).

I must admit that, before tonight, Humphrey Leadbitter was a name unknown to me. It seems that he sculpted a fair number of miniatures for both the Fantasy Specials and Fiend Factory ranges (possibly others as well) in the early days of Citadel. He went on to become a stop-motion animator. Fun fact: he animated the pilot episode of Bob the Builder in 1997. And for all you old lead ID-nerds out there, his base marking monogram was “HF.” I had the pleasure of obtaining this new in its original blister from Mindtaker Miniatures. I never have a problem opening old blisters – these figures should be painted and loved and used in games! This mule is a fine addition to the collection and a worthy figure for any baggage train or farm. Hope you like it!