Fighter in Spiked Helm with Broadsword

Manufacturer: Citadel Miniatures
Year: 1982-1986
Range/set: Fantasy Tribe Fighters – “Knights & Heroes”
Model number: FTF66
Sculptor: Bryan Ansell

I’m not sure what year this was first made available – the Fantasy Tribe Fighters debuted in 1982. They featured prominently in a 1984 Ral Partha catalog and in a 1986 RAFM catalog (both companies had production/distribution rights for the USA and Canada, respectively).

The detail on this figure (like all of Ansell’s miniatures) is truly amazing – the belt buckles on the sides of his pant legs are far too small for me to pick out, and I’m fairly certain that this fighter’s knee armor has some kind of face sculpted into it (a lion maybe)? He’s on a 20mm square base, for reference.

Painted this individual for use in a Realm of Chaos game and he will eventually serve in a WFB3 Chaos army as well.

His hair and mustache – as well as his general vibe – immediately reminded me of Rexor from Conan the Barbarian. What do you think?

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