Manufacturer: Ramshackle Games
Year: 2023
Range/set: Boglanders
Model number: Set 07
Sculptor: Curtis Fell
Curtis, being the generous gentleman that he is, sent me some figures from his spectacular and expansive Boglanders range, which can be obtained from the Ramshackle Games website. It’s a tremendously characterful and whimsical range full of strange goblins, fishfolk, bizarre humans in fancy hats, flypersons, Bosch-inspired familiars, and the titular Boglanders. It’s wonderful and unique. Go have a look, and while you’re there find the PDF that Curtis put together with lovely photographs and lots of lore and flavor about the setting and its inhabitants.
This little figure caught my eye right away: a small and grisly goblin fellow with a somewhat-distressed looking frog friend in his grasp. I am very pleased to add this little fellow to my growing horde. He – and his larger froggy friends, which are primered and on my painting desk awaiting color! – are an excellent addition to the collection of figures I use for the superb “Cauldron” miniatures game.