Hybrid with Polearm

Manufacturer: Hybrid Miniatures
Year: Unknown
Range/set: N/A
Model number: N/A
Sculptor: Bob Olley

Jason Lye (Ye Alchemist/Hybrid Miniatures) is a super nice dude and has some incredibly cool miniatures available. Like this one! He recently set up a webstore, too – no longer does he only do business through Facebook! Find it here!

Once upon a time, there was an expansion for a little game called Space Hulk. It was the second expansion, and it was called “Genestealer.” If you were to remove the lid and look at one specific side of the box tray, you’d see a Genestealer Hybrid with a polearm very similar to this (but not exactly this). That miniature was never released; it was a prototype that never made it into production, but was painted by the studio for pictures. Fast forward a couple decades and it is my understanding that Jason commissioned Bob Olley to sculpt this as a sort of homage to that tremendously-difficult-to-find figure.

Olley’s sculpts ALWAYS make me smile when I’m painting them. Such a pleasure to paint, especially those big, grotesque exaggerated faces. A few things I see that I might have done differently but time waits for no one. Hope you like it!

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