Ogre Warrior

Manufacturer: Ral Partha
Year: 199X
Range/set: Ogre Warriors
Model number: 02-148 (b)
Sculptor: Bob Olley

This fine fellow also goes by the names of “Ogre with Greatsword” and “Ogre w. Sword.” Seems no one can agree in regard to the identity of his weapon. At least we can all agree he’s a dashing ogre!

Apologies for not knowing the year this was first produced – I didn’t make a lasting mental note before gluing this fellow and all his friends on to bases (it was something between 1991-1994 if I recall correctly). This miniature is still in production and is available from both Ral Partha Europe and Ral Partha Legacy. If you are in Europe, get it from RPL – it’s much less expensive. If you are in the USA, “which is cheaper” depends on how many figures you’re buying or if you can do a group order from RPE.

Anyhow! A beauty from the master, Mister Bob Olley. One of my favorite figures ever. I’m happy to have finally finished him. I’ve been painting him during breaks at work. If you’re looking for some fun (it’s not very fun), try painting stripes on the inseam of little pant legs.

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