Manufacturer: Citadel Miniatures
Year: 1990
Range/set: Realm of Chaos, 073226
Model number: 3226/1
Sculptor: Kev Adams
My friend Raz gifted me this lil booger! I needed a Plaguebearer for a Realm of Chaos campaign in which I’m participating. My dwarf champion was rewarded by Nurgle with a Daemon Sword that contained a lesser daemon: this guy! The Plaguebearer’s attributes were “Spits Acid,” “Furry,” and “Technology: Graviton Gun.” I decided to ignore “Furry” as it’s purely aesthetic and I didn’t want to alter this figure quite that much. I fashioned the graviton gun after the illustration in Rogue Trader – it was made with a metal gun bit (I think it’s from the Alternative Armies “Ion Age” range) and some small pieces of cardboard for the distinctive barrel fins.
The first game in which my dwarf champion wielded the daemon sword, he summoned the Plaguebearer. The Plaguebearer blasted an earth elemental with his graviton gun and immediately vanished. It’s very likely that he’ll reappear in the next game to harass my dwarf champion… Oh boy. Bad luck!