Space Marine Commander with Sandar Robo Worker

This is a bit of a weird one. I do feel a bit strange posting it, and I hope none of you are upset by it. The Space Marine here is 15mm. It’s a 3-D print made from a down-scaled STL of a scanned classic Citadel figure (Brother Ward, 1988 – either Mark Copplestone or Aly Morrison sculpted the original, it gets fuzzy with the old marines! My money’s on Mark.). The little robot fellow is a “Sandar Robo Worker” from the 15mm Laserburn range currently available from Alternative Armies (no idea who sculpted it, unfortunately). They are on a 40mm round base. The flag is a modern plastic bit mounted on a length of brass rod. The banner and the marine’s powered armor are done up in classic Lamenters styling.

A friend and I are planning on trying the Crossfire rules using 15mm Space Marines. This base will act as my Company Commander. When I realized I had the opportunity to paint classic Space Marines in 15mm scale, I couldn’t say no. They’re absolutely perfect for the scale if you ask me.

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