Spike the Warmaster

Spike, Dwarf Warmaster

Manufacturer: Reaper Miniatures
Year: 2008
Range/set: Dark Heaven Legends
Model number: 02383
Sculptor: Bob Olley

Spike, Dwarf Warmaster (Back)
So spikey!

Not totally sure on the year for this one but it’s my best guess.

Another winner from Olley. I did a minor conversion on this one – I’ve swapped out the original spiked mace for a sword from another Olley figure (a Ral Partha Beastman). If I recall correctly, I believe this figure was a gift from my friend Cole. Thanks, Cole!

This fellow acted as the advanced version of my Dwarf Chaos Champion of Nurgle in a Realm of Chaos campaign run by my friend Hank!

Above we have the Champion’s starting figure and his final form (complete with fleshy mace tail – that bit was chopped off of a Chaos Spawn figure by Drew Williams/Satyr Art Studio). I guess the powers of Chaos also changed his hair color!

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